How to Get Rid of Acne

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Probably a weird thing to start my blog off with, but whatever. At least I'm being useful to whoever reads it (which is like 2 people). Anyway, as a teenager, I have had (and still do) plenty of awkward puberty-frickin-sucks moments. And, of course, acne is one of them. Luckily, I found the right products and procedure, and now I'm going to share them with you.

1. Products
Neutrogena is the brand of skin care products that I use. Of course, there are many other companies that probably have similar products, but if you plan on copying me, then this is the brand to use. For this procedure, be sure to have the Deep Clean Gentle Scrub ( and the On-the-Spot Acne Treatment (

2. Deep Clean Gentle Scrub
Make sure to be next to a sink. Before starting to use the product, splash some water onto your face. You don't have to drench your face, just put on a reasonable amount. Afterwards, you can pat it down with a towel if you feel it's necessary, but don't completely dry it, because then there was no point in getting it wet anyway.
Now we start using the scrub. The amount of it that you need depends on which part of your face it's going. For me, the largest amount is on my forehead and cheeks. I usually put the scrub on my fingers because it makes it easier to rub into my skin, but you can use the palm of your hand too. I use a separate amount for each part of my face, starting off with my forehead. I rub it all over my forehead and then let it sit there until I'm done with the rest of my face.
Don't expect the scrub to, like, disappear into your face (sorry, I don't really know how to explain it well) like many other products do.
After I finish putting it all over my face, I wait a minute or two. After that, it's time to wash it off. I usually use a paper towel for this. I put the towel under the sink to get it wet, and then I use it to wipe the scrub off my face. Make sure all of the product is off your face because as I said before, it's just going to stay on your face and look weird. When that's done, I like to take a dry towel and dry my face so that there isn't water dripping from it.

3. On-the-Spot Acne Treatment
Now unlike the scrub, this product does actually become "one with your face" (again, not sure how to explain it), but only if you apply and rub it in properly.
Just put it on your fingers or hand and rub it all over your face. You should be able to tell if you rubbed it in well enough because it'll just disappear.
Afterwards, wash your hands with soap and water, since they're probably dirty or greasy from the products.

Warning: Don't use if you have very dry skin, because these products will dry your skin out even more.

That's all there is to it! Hopefully this was helpful, but please let me know if this works in the comments below.


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