Birthday Planning? Nah.

You remember how when we were younger, birthday parties were our entire lives? Like, anyone who had some kind of a social life (here I go again with the social life rant) would spend their Sunday afternoons jumping on a trampoline or shooting lasers at their friends (not real lasers, obviously, what gave you that idea)? And the invitations would be sent like a month in advance through the mail, cause that still existed back then (barely though).
Well, my birthday's in three days (Which is today, cause I wrote this on Friday, which is currently today. You're welcome for the confusion that I've caused), and I basically have no idea of how my sister and I are going to celebrate (because I'm a twin, because I'm that cool). I know that we're going to dinner on Sunday to this Italian restaurant which we just decided on yesterday, but regarding what we're gonna do with our friends, we have no idea. However, we do know that we're gonna do a three-way party, because one of our friends' birthday is the day after ours.
Another thing I didn't make this year, probably because I'm trying to stop being spoiled by my family, was a wish list. But then I thought, however will you all know what to get me as a gift? So, this list, is for you:

  1. World Peace
  2. Strict Gun Control
  3. Equality
  4. A Clean Environment
  5. More Mental Health Awareness
  6. Fame
  7. A Meet n' Greet With Julie Andrews
  8. My College Tuition
  9. Some Cheez-Its Would Be Nice
I hope that this list was helpful to you in finding me a birthday gift!

BTW: You don't ACTUALLY have to get me that stuff, I just wanted to put it in there anyway.


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